I was informed by my primary care physician that I had contracted Hepatitis C. He then sent me to a specialist, without running any more tests and started me on medication for hepatitis C. Very shortly after taking the medication I became extremely ill and reported this to my doctor, my doctor’s reaction was to inform me that I could possibly die if I continue taking that medication and to cease taking it. After stopping the medication for approximately two weeks, I started to feel significantly better. I then went to see two different emergency rooms and was tested negative for hepatitis C. At the last hospital I visited, I saw our specialist in hepatology, who informed me I had a version of an autoimmune hepatitis, which is your body actually attacking your own liver. The doctor informed me that the misdiagnosis of hepatitis C and the incorrect medication that was given to me is what triggered the autoimmune hepatitis. Due to medical malpractice, misdiagnosis and giving me the wrong medication I was forced to have a liver transplant and now I’m on immunosuppressive medication for the remainder of my life. Throughout this entire process I have been in sincere pain from the beginning. I was told that if the doctor simply would’ve did a liver biopsy, out of never been diagnosed with hepatitis C and never given the wrong medication. I was wondering if I have a case?
You certainly do have a case for medical malpractice. First of all you were misdiagnosed with having hepatitis C and given the wrong medication for the misdiagnosis. The second problem was the doctor did not perform any follow-up testing to verify that you had hepatitis C, but still put you on a drug regimen for it, which caused you extreme medical issues. Due to the misdiagnosis and improper prescription for medication that you did not need, this triggered a reaction with your body which effectively destroyed your liver and forced you to get a liver transplant. Plus the ongoing pain and suffering you will receive from taking immunosuppressive medications for the rest of your life, has great bearing on the settlement of such a case. You should seek an experienced and knowledgeable law firm that specializes in medical malpractice cases. Our law firm takes in cases such as this nationwide.
Joseph F. Botelho, Esq.
Attorneys At Law
901 Eastern Ave.
Unit 2
Fall River, MA 02723
Office: 888-269-0688
Email: jbotelho@botelholawgroup.com
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