SSDI Lawyer Fall River
Social Security Disability InsuranceSocial Security Disability Insurance or otherwise known as SSDI, is a federally funded program which derives its proceeds through the use of payroll taxes. SSDI is for those persons who have worked for a required number of years and have paid into Social Security in their weekly paychecks. Persons applying for Social Security disability income must be younger than 65 and have worked for a particular number of years or hours in order to receive SSDI benefits. Also after receiving SSDI benefits, the disabled person is eligible to receive Medicare two years after being approved for Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI benefits.
Under the SSDI guidelines, and applicants spouse or dependent children are able to receive partial benefits through SSDI. Only adults over the age of 18 are able to apply for and receive SSDI benefits. SSDI has a waiting period for benefits of five months, which means you will not receive SSDI benefits until you have been disabled for a minimum of five months. The amount you will receive from SSDI benefits is determined on the jobs used to have, the level of income used to maintain and other such factors will be used to determine what your Social Security Disability Income will be.
The lawyers at the Botelho Law Group will guide you through the application process, draft a brief to be presented with your SSDI application, which we will use the information you provide in the medical records provided by your doctor in order to draft a brief that puts your particular situation in the best light possible for you to obtain the Social Security disability income SSDI benefits that you deserve. Unlike other lore offices, the Botelho Law Group does not require that you have already been rejected for SSDI benefits. If you have not applied for SSDI benefits, call today for a free consultation.